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Monday, October 13, 2008


Well hey there, avid readers. As you remain hooked on every word in this post (obviously), you will discover the tale of my first day of Term 4, Year 9. I arrived at school, everything well and good, average day. So anyway, getting on with it, on to recess, which was pro. Ness and Jen gave me lollies, which I shared at the lysdexic card's request, and there was much rejoicing. HAD HIGGS FOR SCIENCE! How pro. He didn't know me, even though he said he did. :P Higgsy! Then on to that next class...what was it?... ENGLISH! AHA! Anyway, found out we're doing crime fiction this term. How pro. So yeah, then to lunch, which involved running away, comingh back to find everyone else has run away, everyone else coming back and some more pro-ness. After that we all went and hung out in IPT, then to German, where we watched the BHK (Berlin Heroes Krew) skate/scooter/run around the streets of Berlin in a random fashion (see: Emil and the Detective).

Then, I went out to Macca's to get ready to be interviewed. Bought a medium Coke, then the dude who was gunna tell me when to go in for my interview, gave me a free large Coke as well as the medium I bought. Got interviewed, all was pro.

And now, I've checked my emails, and BAM! BOOM! SHAKALAKA! BOOM! BOOM! SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE THA ROOM! I haz a job.

THanks for sitting through my nonsensical drivel,
