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Saturday, April 5, 2008

God Gave Rock and Roll to You II

God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to everyone.

Bill and Ted are most excellent.

The waterslide is FUN!

They put rubber in the jelly.

Apparently I have come out of my shell. I wasn't aware I was a crustacean.

I can apparently also dance well. I don't see it myself.

Re-read the Harry Potter series, replacing all the occurrences of "wand" with "wang."
An example of the humour this causes is as follows:

"Harry raised his wang and thought of his mother. To his surprise a white, silvery substance shot out the end of his wang."

"Ron borrowed Harry's wang, as he broke his own in half."

*Random air guitar solo*

Han Solo


Chewbacca defence

South Park

Family Guy

Evil Monkey



Now we have seen how Chris=Air Guitar.
Since Air Guitar is the single most awesome thing in existence, Chris willed himself back to life in Nazza's Epic, 7 Act play in 3 Acts, and made friends with Christopher reeves, who does totally own, and together they used the pwer of fuzz to rule the universe and all other known areas.



  1. Ahahaha the water slide...

    You're awesome(ly dorky) Chrissie.

    And of course you can't see that you dance well. You had your eyes closed.

    Love ya
    Jen (ny)

    P.S. All brackets and their contents in this comment can be ignored.

    P.P.S. No, I do not mean New York who ever would wish to pun on that.

  2. Did you not read the 8th Act in Nazza's Three Act play where Christopher Reeve (who in Act 6 you may recall transformed into EVIL HOT SUPERMAN) used Little Chris's power over the fuzz to take over the Universe and other known areas and then kill him again?

    No? Oh well...

    (Note: This is NOT Jenny making this comment, that would be silly as she already commented on this post.)

  3. We wouldn't have known the first one was Jenny if it wasnt specified in the second one.

    Thats the convenience of 'Anonymous'. You can post as many times as you want and it can claim to be a different person every time as long as the writing style is sufficiently altered.

    Sweet post man.



  4. I like how you had that Bash quote, except a lot shorter.

    Hooray for Bill and Ted.

    I didn't know my play was open source.

    I also didn't know this blog existed. :O

